
Kanye West Album Cover Banned!!!

Everyone know's (espcially if you're a big fan like me) the sure fire way to keep up with Kanye now-a-days is through his twitter. As of lately he has been tweeting about rapping up his album........

Today he tweeted that the cover you see above has been banned! "In the 70s album covers had actual nudity... It's so funny that people forget that... Everything has been so commercialized now.", he tweeted in support of why his cover shouldn't have been banned. The picture is supposed to be him sitting on the couch with a phoniex. If you ask me I think the cover is genius and it really goes along with the title of the album which is My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Not only that it's just an expression of artwork I'm not to sure what the real fuss is about maybe just because he's Kanye. No one seemed to try to ban Nirvana's cover for nevermind which featured a nude baby in a pool, i guess no one will really know why it's banned. Maybe there will be another cover. George Condo has done alot of artwork for Kanye lately and Condo is an amazing artists who's pieces can be a little bizzare or abstract but it is still amazing art. I'll be using this one as my Itunes cover art for sure though.




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